The Cycle Plays

five new works, and an opening ritual, intended to be performed together in one day



Letters from a Small House


Long Day's Journey into Night



Pretty – The Demon play

The abduction and murder of a young girl:
dreaming is dressing a wound

summary - cast list - music - cyclepedia - script (pdf)




A young girl is abducted from her bedroom and eventually murdered, leaving her father not only to grieve for her memory but to see her transfigured in the limelight of the press. She is violated—neither her home, nor her body, nor her mind is safe from intrusion--but is too powerful simply to subside after death; she must first learn to be dead, and turns the tables on her captor. “An old woman with a cane, she commands angels,” who strip and bind him as he sleeps. Later, she confronts him in hell; later still, she will go to heaven.

A demon play is traditionally hectic, and Pretty is no exception: it narrates both the act of violence and the process by which a crime, and especially the public response to it, morphs its participants into symbols. An innocent girl who played games and had sleepovers with friends is “complicated into a fouled net of natural signifiers,” and the world of this play is likewise dense with signs to be decoded or absorbed. A bee rides the perpetrator and his victim, a worm is a snake, birds hatch yellow jackets, and a rat does a drunken dance with beetles.

At long last, what started as a nightmare comes to feel more like a dream, and as the father says at the beginning of the play, “Dreaming is dressing a wound.” The beloved is saved, and the witnesses, too, are healed.

synopsis by Edith Reisner Newton

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The Performers

Girl One
Sheila Berotti
Lluís Valls
John Oglevee
Chorus, Singer
Jubilith Moore
Friend One
Friend Two
Libby Zilber
Yugen Orchestra
Suki O’Kane
percussion, electronics
Moe! Staiano
Allen Whitman
guitar, percussion, electronics

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Pioneering contemporary music has been composed for each of Theatre of Yugen's The Cycle Plays. Lead co-composers Allen Whitman and Suki O'Kane are joined by Moe! Staino to create the soundscape for Pretty.

Sample 1 - Coney Island Whitefish

Sample 2 - Takes Her Down

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For more information on the subject matter of this and other plays in Theatre of Yugen's The Cycle Plays you can peruse the


Everyone is welcome to browse and contribute.

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The Cycle Plays is made possible by support from
The Creative Work Fund, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, The Flintridge Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Japan Foundation Los Angeles, The James Irvine Foundation, Lalys Wine, Meet the Composer’s Creative Connections Program, National Endowment for the Arts, Rockefeller MAP and the San Francisco Hotel Tax Fund/Grants for the Arts.