The Cycle Plays

five new works with an opening ritual, intended to be performed together in one day



Letters from a Small House


Long Day's Journey into Night



Long Day's Journey into Night – The Mad Person play

A ghost wihtin a ghost within a variation of O’Neill’s fourth act

summary - cast list - music - cyclepedia

Long Day's Journey into Night



Our Mad Woman Play is an adaptation of Eugene O’Neill’s autobiographical masterpiece, rearranged and choreographed with noh styling. O’Neill himself had a strong interest in Asian performance art, especially mask work, and owned several Japanese noh masks.

The appearance of ghosts requiring exorcism is possibly the most familiar (if not an inevitable) feature of noh drama, and Long Day’s Journey into Night is all about ghosts. Aside from the fact that the characters represent O’Neill’s own deceased family members, they are individually possessed by visions of their youthful selves and sometimes refer to themselves or each other as ghosts. The dominant “ghost” in this production is Mary, James Tyrone’s morphine-addicted wife, but Tyrone and his son Edmund, too, use the hieratic gestures of noh to reveal the dreams and memories that haunt them, and Jamie’s warning to his brother arises unnervingly from a kyogen (comic) interlude.

Ships and the sea figure heavily in this play, as in Dark/Silent. The ambivalent relation between brothers evokes comparison with Letters from a Small House. The agitation of Mary, who defines herself as victim of circumstance, is in striking contrast with the serenity of Helen in Dark/Silent.

synopsis by Edith Reisner Newton

The Performers

Mary Tyrone
Libby Zilber
James Tyrone
Lluís Valls
John Oglevee
Jubilith Moore
Sheila Berotti, Max
Yugen Orchestra
Suki O’Kane
Lynn Murdock
Dan Plonsey
Jay Rozen
John Shiurba
Jonathan Segel
electric guitar, violin, electronics
Allen Whitman

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Pioneering contemporary music has been composed for each of Theatre of Yugen's The Cycle Plays. Lead co-composers Allen Whitman and Suki O'Kane are joined by Dan Plonsey to create the soundscape for Long Day's Journey into Night.

Sample 1 - Let Them Burn!

Sample 2 - Voltaire

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For more information on the subject matter of this and other plays in Theatre of Yugen's The Cycle Plays you can peruse the


Everyone is welcome to browse and contribute.

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The Cycle Plays is made possible by support from
The Creative Work Fund, Djerassi Resident Artists Program, The Flintridge Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, Japan Foundation Los Angeles, The James Irvine Foundation, Lalys Wine, Meet the Composer’s Creative Connections Program, National Endowment for the Arts, Rockefeller MAP and the San Francisco Hotel Tax Fund/Grants for the Arts.